Monday, 11 November 2013


Call for submissions for Issue 04 of Re- Publication.
Deadline is December 10th at 5pm.

WRITERS: We are currently in search of good and honourable writers that want to contribute to Issue 04. The theme is RESIDE: Where we belong. As this is a huge topic we want to collect a range of different perspectives. This is where you come in. We are looking for non-fiction or fictional pieces (or anything in between) no larger than 5000 words.

Struggling for ideas? Here is a list of topics within the boundaries of our theme we are interested to see developed… 
Nomadic culture / Agoraphobia / Homelessness / Creating a new home, uprooting - moving / Different perspectives of home / Where do you consider your home? In bed, in the kitchen, in nature, with parents, place of birth, with your partner etc.
  1. Please email your submissions to:
  2. Entitle email subject: TEXT SUBMISSION
  3. Please include your full name, and your submission either attached to the email as a word document or typed directly into the email body.

PHOTOGRAPHERS: We are now collecting images within the large fences of the theme RESIDE. This fence may be a white picket or a barbed wire. We want images that explore home. Whatever that means to you. If you have images that could relay a sense of home, or homelessness we'd love for you to be a part of issue 04.

We are also collecting a specific set of images. One photograph of the outside of your house, and one photograph of the inside of your house. Images of your bedroom, bathroom, lounge, whatever. Just let us have a peek! Let us scratch that voyeuristic itch that is in us all. We want to see into homes all over the world, so please help us by sharing this around with friends and family living abroad. The more diverse, the better.
  1. Please email your submissions to: 
  2. Entitle email subject: PHOTO SUBMISSION
  3. Please attach images as high quality .JPG files. Please do not submit Word documents or PDF files with embedded images. 



Our friends at Writers Edit wrote this lovely piece about Re-. 
Have a look at all the great words being collected at: - Re- Publication interview.